The Quran- Tr Abdullah Yusuf Ali

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹170.00.

The Quran- Tr Abdullah Yusuf Ali. The Quran is a book of divine warning – A combination of lessons and admonitions. It stresses the importance of mans discovery of truth at the level of realization. Every book has its objective and the objective of the Quran is to make man aware of the Creation plan of God.

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The Quran- Tr Abdullah Yusuf Ali. The Quran is a book of divine warning – A combination of lessons and admonitions. It stresses the importance of mans discovery of truth at the level of realization. Every book has its objective and the objective of the Quran is to make man aware of the Creation plan of God. That is, to tell man why God created this world; what the purpose is of settling man on earth; what is required from man in his pre-death life span, and what he is going to confront after death. Man is born as an eternal creature. When God created man as such, He divided his life span into two periods, the pre-death period, which is a time of trial, and the post-death period, which is the time for receiving the rewards or punishment merited by ones actions during ones lifetime. The purpose of the Quran is to make man aware of this reality. This is the theme of this divine Book, which serves to guide man through his entire journey through life into the after-life. Specifications

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 18 × 16 × 2 cm



Abdullah Yusuf Ali








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