Khuda tak ka Safar خدا تک کا سفر- Urdu Translation of Reclaim Your Heart

Original price was: ₹300.00.Current price is: ₹280.00.

Khuda tak ka Safar – Urdu Translation of Reclaim Your Heart . Reclaim Your Heart is not just a self-help book. It is a manual about the journey of the heart in and out of the ocean of this life. It is a book about how to keep your heart from sinking to the depths of that ocean, and what to do when it does. It is a book about redemption, about hope, about renewal. Every heart can heal, and each moment is created to bring us closer to that transformative return. Reclaim Your Heart is about finding that moment when everything stops and suddenly looks different.

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Khuda tak ka Safar خدا تک کا سفر – Urdu Translation of Reclaim Your Heart . Reclaim Your Heart is not just a self-help book. It is a manual about the journey of the heart in and out of the ocean of this life. It is a book about how to keep your heart from sinking to the depths of that ocean, and what to do when it does. It is a book about redemption, about hope, about renewal. Every heart can heal, and each moment is created to bring us closer to that transformative return. Reclaim Your Heart is about finding that moment when everything stops and suddenly looks different. It is about finding your own awakening. And then returning to the better, truer, and freer version of yourself.

Weight 0.23 kg
Dimensions 23 × 18 × 2.2 cm

Dawat Publishers








Yasmin Mogahed


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