Shipment Process Time

  • Kradoretail Offers several shipping options, such as standard shipping, expedited shipping, and international shipping. The delivery time and cost will vary based on the shipping method. All orders are processed within 1-2 business days. If there will be a significant delay in shipment of your order, we will contact you via email or telephone.

Shipping Rates and Delivery Estimates

  • we provide national delivery within 1-6 days (min-max)

  • The delivery time depends on the shipping method and the distance between the bookstore’s location and the delivery address.
  • Shipping costs are often determined by the total weight of the package, the shipping method selected, and the destination.
  • Shipping charges for your order will be calculated and displayed at checkout.

International Shipping

  • Interntional delivery within 7-14 days (min-max)

  • If you’re ordering from outside the bookstore’s home country, be aware that additional customs duties, taxes, and fees might apply, which are the responsibility of the recipient.

Shipment Confirmation and Order Tracking

  • You will receive a Shipment Confirmation email once your order has shipped containing your tracking number(s).

Always review the bookstore's official website or contact their customer service to get accurate information about their shipping policy's.

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