Cancellation and Refund

Order Cancellation:

  • If you ordered a book but changed your mind before it was shipped or processed, you might be able to cancel the order.

Retunrn Policy:

  • Returns will be accepted only if the customer has received product in damaged condition, Product not as described.


  • Books should be returned in their original condition, without any significant damage, markings, or signs of wear and tear.
  • The customer should generate a return request within 24 Hour of receiving the order. No return and refund request will be accepted post 24 Hour of receiving the order. 

Proof of Purchase:

  • Customers may need to provide a receipt or proof of purchase when returning a book to confirm it was bought from Krado Retail.

Refund Method:

  • Depending on the store’s policy, refunds for returned Product, issued a refund back to the original payment method.
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